Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sankhu, the heavenly place

Sankhu, named as Shankarapur in the past according to its shape is a very old city situated 17k.m. far from Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, to the north. It is situated on the lap of Bajrayoginee temple and on the bank of holy river Salinadi. It is called old Newar's city now inhabitated by Tamang, Chhetri, Brahmin and other caste people as well showing their mutual co-operation and affection to each other. It has low population of about 20000 people. People in this city are highly engaged in agricultural occupation followed by business, service and other sector. Most of the people are Hindus and Buddhist followed by Christianity. It has got main five gates and other four gates are only limit in images and paper.It is the shortest roadway from Kathmandu to Nagarkot and China.

As its history is concerned, there is no clear proof about the founder and the time period of the foundation of the city. It is regarded as one of the oldest city emerged before the foundation of Kathmandu with its Newari oldest script in Bajrayoginee. Manjushree who had cut down hill of Chovaar with his sword and let the water of Nagadaha to flow on forming beautiful Kathmandu valley is believed to come on through Sankhu. It used to be the main entrance way for businessman to trade with China.

As its religious value is concerned its name is written in the holy Hindu book Swasthani as Lawanya and Sankhu is regarded as the home of thousands of gods and goddess. Still the people from in and around the Sankhu has strong faith on the Bajrayoginee mai, the goddess of power. If there is any problem or difficult situation people worship goddess and to the surprise most of the problem are solved as well. In the time of drought and famine as well people believe goddess will help them.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

About Bajrayoginee

Bajrayoginee is one of the ancient historical, cultural and religious temples that is even important in the natural point of view. It is located on the north region, 2k.m. away from Sankhu center through the vehicle running road. Goddess Bajrayoginee often called Shree Ugratara Mai by local people is believed to be emerged through the flame of fire on 

the third time of continuous attempt after long interval on the Mandap Shail Parbat (hill) in Satyayug. There is no exact evidence about the founder and the foundation time period of the temple. However, archaeologists, priests and old local people believe the temple to be built on the reign of Shivadev, Bhaskar Malla or Mahendra Malla as some ancient things like coin related to them are still in the top floor of the temple.

The temple also clarify the fact that Sankhu is the city of oldest Newari civilization through the oldest Newari Script engraved on the stone of Bajrayoginee temple area. Everyday crowd of people reach the temple in the morning but the crowd are sight to see on Saturday and on special occasion of festival. It is one of the holy places for both Hindus and Buddhists. And people of different other religion also visit the temple as it is tourist spot and picnic spot filled with natural beauty and archaeological value. Bajrayoginee is the goddess of hope and power. So for initiation of every work by people is done with the worship of Bajrayoginee mai and the goddess is believed to be the source of supernatural power. For every happiness and sorrow or problem goddess Bajrayoginee is remembered. In the time of famine and dryness in Sankhu as well goddess Bajrayoginee is worshipped and the problems are found to be solved. The temple is important heritage not mere of Sankhu but of the world from every point of view. Due to its importance as one of the heritage of the world, the procedure of enlisting the temple in world’s cultural heritage is being carried on . It is the important heritage of Sankhu that can spread the glory of Sankhu far and wide.

Even though it is lagging behind due to lack of conservation and promotion or advertisement of the temple. The main road to reach the temple through the bus park of Sankhu is half pitched but now damaged. The temple area is treated as the dumping site and the waste are thrown randomly in the temple site rather than dumping the waste in the safe place far from the temple. The sources of water of the stone tap have dried out and the stealing of the idols and other valuable assets of the temple are not yet controlled and the concerned body seemed mere onlooker.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

About Salinadi

Salinadi is the holy river that is famous for its one month fast ceremony of Swasthani Brat inSankhu that flow from the midst of Sankhu. The river is mentioned in the holy Hindu book Swasthani and Sankhu as named as Lawanya, the state of Nawaraj. And the river is related to the story of Nawaraj and his bride Chandrawati which is mentioned in the book Swasthani which is read throughout a long month fasting. According to the book, while Chandrawati was being taken by the employee of Nawaraj to his state after their marriage they met some angels on the bridge over the Salinadi river. The angels had organized the Swasthani puja and they distribute the prasad to all but due to the proudness of Chandrawati, she threw it and to her bad luck she couldn't reach the state of Nawaraj as the bridge broke down and she was left alone on the side of the river. She had nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep. Even the wind and the climate were against her she felt hungry and tired and she also suffered from leprosy which was said to be the curse of the gods as she had neglected the prasad. She suffered in the same way for many days and at last she was suggested to worship goddess Swasthani and she did so and after that everything went on normal and onwards that the procedure of worshipping goddess Swasthani taking one month fast came onto existence. And after that every year the fast begin for one month from month of Poush or Magh worshipping goddess Swasthani on the side of salinadi river.

Problems in Sankhu

Sankhu having immense capacity to be developed is still in the backward phase due to ignorance of people and illiteracy prevailing in the society. The main problem of Sankhu is the rare implementation of the plans and policy to develop the city. It bears capacity from all sector but none of them seem to be developed well as most of the people are running for own benefit rather than development of the city. Though the centre place of Sankhu seemed to be developed little, most of the place of Sankhu are rural, backward and far behind from development.
The environment pollution is the hot issue in Sankhu. It is obvious that almost all the street in Sankhu are appearing like an open drain. The smell coming out of the heap of filth dump either sides of the road has compelled the pedestrian to close their nose with tissue or hankeys. This has really disrreputed my town. Many time, people are reported to have suffered from water-borne disease like jaundice, dysentery, diarrhoea and cholera. During the rainy season, drainage pipe gets cracked and comes up covering the entire street. It looks so disgusting. The pitched road are now nomore pitch and it feels very dangerous to travel through the road of Sankhu. The concern body seems mere onlooker. Few local people who try to maintain the town neat and clean are mocked and discouraged. They blocked toilsome hands instead of joining hand in hand in such eminent work.
The tranquility of this town is fading away. The hustel and bustel of vehicle in narrow roads has tensed the peaceful life of the people. Moreover, the harmful gases emitted by aged vehicles have resulted in adverse effect on public health. The sources of water are not sight to see. Salinadi which flows nearly by this town, has been treated as dumping site. One can hardly recognizd the original quality of water.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Development in Sankhu

Sankhu possess the great possibility in the development in every Sector. Having the fertile soil it can be the store house of crops of Kathmandu valley. Not mere the production of potato it can be the large producer in different cash crops like cauliflower, pumpkin, tomato, cucumber etc. There is no any middle or large scale industry set up upto now in this area and one plywood industry is in the process of being established. So establishing Industry can be the vital role to develop Sankhu as there will be fewer problems with the transportation of the raw materials required for the industry and the products produced by the industry as it is the central place surrounded by the famous place like Kathmandu, Nagarkot, Changunarayan etc and Sankhu is linked with them with the road and sameway it is also the shortest way to the China from Kathmandu. So far as its educational sector is concerned, most of the people have gained educational qualification and most of the people are the renowned in educational field of Nepal. There are different secondary level schools and only one private college Evergreen Higher Secondary School upto intermediate level and a campus Shree Bhagyadoya Campus, an old educational institute of Sankhu. To talk about people health they are much more healthy and stronger but they are not much more conscious about their health. Some people still believe in Dhami and Jhyankri and prefer them than doctors in case of sickness. The main achievement of Sankhu upto now in health is Sushma Koirala Memorial Hospital (SKM Hospital) that treats the burn patient and plastic surgery is main activity done there. Patient from all over the world are found having their treatment in SKM Hospital.

Agriculture in Sankhu

Sankhu is one of the city with most fertile land having high productivity capacity. Thus most of the people in Sankhu are engaged in agriculture. Except some percentage of people, about all are engaged in agriculture wholly or partly. Sankhu is known for its potato production as it is the most potato producing place. And people from different place import the potato from Sankhu. The farming system in most of the place are same but nowadays new way and technology are being introduced. In the previous days, only the potato used to be the cash crops and rice, wheat, maize etc. used to be the main crops of Sankhu but with the transfiguration of time farmers are more attracted to cash crops and seasonal farming is also being replaced by unseasonal farming. Nowdays, along with potato and rice, cauliflower, tomato, cucumber, cereals, brinjal, pumpkin etc are the main cash crops in Sankhu raising the income level of farmers of Sankhu as they are cash crops that generate cash by their sale. Along with new crops new techniques, way of farming, scientific tools and equipments, improved seeds and fertilizer are introduced in Sankhu. But to the bad luck of people at present natural elements like rain is discouraging the farmers’ activeness and interest in farming as the there is irregular change in climate affecting the survival and growth of crops and resulting the heavy loss in the production of crops. Mostly, Farmers depend on rain water and due the increase in average temperature and other factor there is no rain in proper time and the heat of sun burn out the farmers’ skin and the crops and other sources of water had also dried out. Even though farmers are using generator for the water to irrigate their field and some are still depending on the rainwater. Farmers are much more worried about the present situation of the climate in Sankhu as that can lead to famine in Sankhu.

Houses in Sankhu

In the ancient time, houses in Sankhu used to be artistically built with popular window ‘Aankhi Jhyal ‘ that used to catch eye-sight of every street walker passing by but at present they are being replaced by big new buildings of cement and brick. The old eye catching artistic houses are vanishing day by day and new concrete buildings are increasingly rapidly on Sankhu’s land. The new tall buildings are being set up on Sankhu’s cultivable land day by day but even though the tall buildings are not more tall than 5 story building. Even though still the houses in Sankhu made up of bricks and mud are in majority than the houses built of bricks and cements. The houses are seemed being attached with each other. So, the houses holding each other tightly are found much more stronger that even earthquake feel tired to destroy the houses. Though it is good to have strong house, sometime the problem occur when the building in the midst have to be knocked down to set up new building and even if one houses catch the fire as other building by the side are affected much .

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Way to Sankhu

Sankhu was once an important post on the trading route between Kathmandu and Lhasa (Tibet), and although the town's flower has faded, you can still see many signs of its former prosperity. Although many traditional aspects of Newari life continue here, the most persuasive reason to visit is the beautiful Vajrayogini Temple complex, an easy 45-minute (2km) walk or bicycle ride northeast of town.As well as visiting the temple, it's worth devoting an hour or so to meandering around Sankhu village. At Dhunla Tole make a left (east) to Salkha Tole, then a diversion north to the Salkha Mahadev Temple, then south back to the bus station.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The great attraction

Sankhu, a beautiful place is a tourist spot for hindu and buddhist from each and around the world and other people are also seem to be enjoying the spell bounding view of Sankhu from Manishail Parbat. Different feast and festivals, musical and dance program are giving the heavenly enjoyment to the people from very beggining. Sankhu jatra every year in different tole and the one month Magh mela in salinadi river are the main attraction of Sankhu that compell people from each and around the world to come again and again with family members, friends and others time to time. Sameway, different Newari's feast and festivals as well as others caste's feast and festivals provide the heart jumping joys and heartly attachment to diffrent unknown and new people. Ihi(Vel Bibaha), Devi Naach in night, Narsimha etc. are heart touching and fun making activities in Sankhu. People are found leaving their work and awakenig whole night for watching those feast and festivals.

Football, the spell bounding game

Football is combined from two words 'foot' and 'ball'. The term 'Foot' refers to feet and 'ball' refers to the round object used for playing. Thus football refer to the game played by people with their feet. Football is believed to be originated from England but it is now famous all over the world and so does in Sankhu. From children to aged people are found attracted by the spell bounding game of football. Time to time different tournaments and match are held in Salambutar playground and Narayan Chowk. Tiny post tournament are much more famous and entertaining football game in Sankhu. Bajrayoginee Child Club(BCC), COS, Swarnim etc. are team organizing different tournament time to time. Sameway, player are competing in different national tournament time to time.