Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sankhu, the heavenly place

Sankhu, named as Shankarapur in the past according to its shape is a very old city situated 17k.m. far from Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, to the north. It is situated on the lap of Bajrayoginee temple and on the bank of holy river Salinadi. It is called old Newar's city now inhabitated by Tamang, Chhetri, Brahmin and other caste people as well showing their mutual co-operation and affection to each other. It has low population of about 20000 people. People in this city are highly engaged in agricultural occupation followed by business, service and other sector. Most of the people are Hindus and Buddhist followed by Christianity. It has got main five gates and other four gates are only limit in images and paper.It is the shortest roadway from Kathmandu to Nagarkot and China.

As its history is concerned, there is no clear proof about the founder and the time period of the foundation of the city. It is regarded as one of the oldest city emerged before the foundation of Kathmandu with its Newari oldest script in Bajrayoginee. Manjushree who had cut down hill of Chovaar with his sword and let the water of Nagadaha to flow on forming beautiful Kathmandu valley is believed to come on through Sankhu. It used to be the main entrance way for businessman to trade with China.

As its religious value is concerned its name is written in the holy Hindu book Swasthani as Lawanya and Sankhu is regarded as the home of thousands of gods and goddess. Still the people from in and around the Sankhu has strong faith on the Bajrayoginee mai, the goddess of power. If there is any problem or difficult situation people worship goddess and to the surprise most of the problem are solved as well. In the time of drought and famine as well people believe goddess will help them.

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